Rapper GI Joe OMG recently passed away at the age of 33. The news was revealed by his publicist Rebecca Kinchen. He was well-known for his On My Grind label and clothing brand.

K Deuce, his friend and collaborator, expressed his condolences, saying the rapper was a good friend, father, artist, and role model to many people in South Central Los Angeles. He continued:

"[GI] Was a solid and genuine individual who stood 10 toes.. he went out the way we all would wanna leave.. at peace."

Detailed information on his funeral shall be disclosed soon.

GI Joe OMG's cause of death explored

Rebecca Kinchen, GI Joe OMG's publicist, confirmed his death but did not reveal the cause. She told the US Sun that they have no idea what happened. She said:

"He was found dead and we are awaiting the results of the coroner's report to learn details."

Kinchen also denied rumors that the rapper died in a car accident and was shot. She concluded by saying:

"If there is anything we want to share about this man, it's that he was an amazing, solid man that was the best father to his two children and always put his family first."

GI's fans and followers have paid tribute to him on social media. His family members have yet to issue an official statement.

Everything we know about GI Joe OMG

GI Joe OMG was a well-known rapper (Image via gijoe_omg/Instagram)

GI Joe OMG was a rising star in the rapping industry. His latest release was an album under his record label On My Grind Entertainment. OMG also had a clothing line with the same name, which recently announced some new designs that are now for sale.

Also known as Brandon Joseph, OMG was popular for his collaborations with Nipsey Hussle and J Stone. Joseph and Hussle grew up together, eventually becoming close friends. They released an album together in 2018, titled Mailbox Money.

Joseph had a history of legal problems, which prompted him to start writing and performing songs for inmates in jail. He decided to continue his musical career after being released. His songs blend jazz, R&B, and hip hop with lyrics inspired by 1990s hip hop stars like Tupac, Biggie Smalls, and others.

Despite being a well-known figure, he did not have a Wikipedia page, so detailed information about his career and educational background is unknown. There are no details about his personal life available, and no one knows if he was dating or married. His is survived by his family members, whose identities remain unknown.

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