S10.E20: A Place at the Table - Criminal Minds

Posted by Filiberto Hargett on Tuesday, August 20, 2024

I felt sorry for Ezra - couldn't they let him wash off the blood?  With the way everyone is supposed to handle blood nowadays (if I child scares his knee and gets 3 drops of blood on his pants, he has to get new pants before he can go back to class), and Ezra's face is covered in blood for hours.

I thought it took Reid too long to figure out the timing problem in the mom's story - she had a 2 year old when they met, and they were together for 26 years, so the kid should be around 28, but things were rocky with the dad ever since the kid graduated from high school 6 years ago, so the kid would only be 24. If I recall it correctly, all of this was in the same conversation - it wasn't like she mention the 2 year old son one day and mentioned the high school graduation the next day - or told it to different people. I noticed this as she told the story, but no one else but Reid picks up on this and it takes him hours to do it?

There was a definite lack of profiling too.  The unsub's mom says that the dad was very controlling, and then adds, as an afterthought, "but, don't get me wrong, we loved each other" and no one thought that there may be another reason why they stayed together for so long?  They also didn't question why things changed when the son (unsub) graduated from high school (the thought of the dad being a pedophile crossed my mind, until I realized the timing error).  The BAU didn't even explain the motive - that was explained by the unsub to his mom during the last supper.  

Nitpicks aside, I do appreciate that there was no JJ superhero. And I don't recall any interactions between Morgan and Garcia (certainly no "flirty" ones).   

On the other hand, I get the feeling that the producers and writers had a meeting --- "Well, you all have been reading Previously.TV.  They have a lot of complaints  about our show.  I am tired of their whining, let's give them what they are asking for.  This means no JJ saving the day, no banter between Morgan and Garcia, Reid has to figure something out before anybody else, no 'murder porn' - whatever that is, make sure Garcia isn't able to find something on her computer instantly, don't reveal who the killer is until the end..." - this goes on for a few minutes while someone writes a long list on a whiteboard - "...But makes sure that this is a boring episode.  I don't want them thinking they  were right."

The only eye roller for me was the dad at the end, dead as a door ail at the table and still upright with his mouth closed. Folks, if you are going to depict violent death to the point of showing a fatal gunshot wound to the head, why not go the realistic measure and show the lolling of the head to the side and the mouth slack? I have never seen a dead person with a perfectly primly closed mouth, it just doesn't happen. But it's something that CM has done badly for many years. Maybe a minor point.

I can't speak for the other episodes, but the dad's position (and the position of the other dead diners) makes sense in this episode since the unsub probably posed them to look like they were eating dinner. 

I've got a question.

The father knew he had a bastard son, right? That's why he stayed with his mistress 'till he graduated. But then he didn't knew that he was his daughters boyfriend? So he never wanted a photo or something? If he didn't want anything to do with him then why stay with the woman, he could have just paied her. Would have saved him trouble with his other son.

He paid her until his wife found out ten months ago. He was probably paying her to keep her from telling his wife (he was paying the oldest son for the same reason). .  The mistress said that things changed after the son graduated six years ago, but I am under the impression that they were still involved, just drifting apart..  But they never made it clear whether he knew the daughter's boyfriend was his son.  He may have stayed in the relationship for the same reason - thinking that, if he broke up with her, she would tell his wife.  (This doesn't really answer your question, but I hope you find some comfort in knowing that you weren't the only one confused.)
