S10.E07: Hashtag - Criminal Minds

Posted by Lashay Rain on Tuesday, August 20, 2024

I'll have to watch again, but I think he was wearing gloves. Wait.. Maybe he just used a cloth? Didn't he hold a cloth in his hand or something to pick up the glass and then the phone? I can't remember.

While it wasn't the most entertaining thing, I did find this one interesting. I might have found it more interesting if I hadn't been starting to fall asleep during commercial breaks. But it wasn't bad.

Some nitpicks:

* Is it just me, or did JLH sound like she was just reciting lines or practically reading from a script when she delivered some of her lines? There was this "put on" tone to it. (Other than that, I thought she was good in this episode).

* We still saw too much of the violence. They could have had a figure just standing behind each of the victims without showing the murders. They could have cut with Tara getting her head smashed into the mirror and ended with that then went to the photos.

* We didn't get to see Hotch interviewing Tara's parents. Yes, we saw them walking out crying, but it would have been nice to hear them describe her-- what she meant to them and such. I don't think we saw the family members of any of the other victims either. They were just incidental and we didn't get to know much about them other than they posted stuff online that caught the unsub's interest.

* As Solitude said, we didn't really get much of a reason for the victim selection (with the exception of the guy posting a vine video of himself saying "mirror bitch")

* Once again we have Garcia's magical computer narrow it down to one suspect (although it turned out to be wrong for a change so it gets good marks for that).

* I know its a bias since I'm a Reid fan, but I wish Reid had been the one reading some of the comments and reading the stuff on the suspect's wall instead of Kate.

* Other than spouting facts, Reid didn't seem to have anything terribly "genius" to contribute. 

* Once again, it seemed like JJ was dominating. It's not even about screentime-- its about how she is talking and acting. It's just something I can't quite put my finger on.

* Some poor woman gets grabbed and shot in the neck with a nail gun and Morgan is more worried about the unsub? WTF? (Yes, I get that he shot the guy in front of the cameras and it was a teenager-- but I still call BS-- he should have been more concerned about the victim).

* What was with that weird smile Reid gave JJ when she said something the same time he did but it was a different opinion?

* I don't know if it is the way its written or the way its delivered, but whenever Morgan talks to Savannah, I get a soap opera vibe. I can't put my finger on it, but something about it just doesn't seem right. The way they kissed seemed odd too. I don't know why.

* I call BS on Morgan getting called in when he had scheduled vacation time. Unless it was an emergency, they would let him have his vacation. He's not that indispensable that they would need him for every case. 

* There seemed to be a severe lack of compassion from the team this time around (other than Morgan fretting over the unsub).

* I wish they had explained a little bit more about the Mark Twain connection. I wonder if something was cut that explained more about it. A relevant Twain quote would have been nice.

* The guy in the car getting nail-gunned could have had as shorter death scene-- and how the hell did the kid get the nailgun holes to be so perfectly aligned? LOL.

* We know that the kid had been planning to make the Mirror Man story come to life, but at what point did he decide to do that? Was there some trigger?

* I don't buy that on his first kill and with the type of injuries the kid inflicted, that he didn't leave footprints and/or have blood spatter all over him- he would have left a trail. It was too clean.

What I liked:

* Garcia wasn't making a ton of inappropriate banter with Morgan.

* I actually liked Morgan's little chat with Garcia when he helped her narrow down the search-- but I do wish there had been more of the team ALL contributing.

* The team members were all throwing out ideas and slightly disagreeing with one another but in a professional way-- just bouncing ideas off of each other.

* We didn't get the unsub reveal until near the end and there were a few other suspects that got pulled in and then ruled out.

* I actually like Savannah and the bookends didn't bother me as much as I thought. 

* I think we are starting to get hints at why Morgan may leave at the end of the season.

* I do like that Kate, while she does contribute, seems to be letting others take the lead and seems to be listening and learning in a subtle way.

* I don't actually mind JJ acting like a senior profiler when interacting with Kate because JJ does have more experience.

* I wish they'd had JJ go and talk to the media again and try to calm things down. Just because she is no longer the media liaison doesn't mean she can't still do that from time to time.

* I liked how Reid and Morgan both said "no comment" at the same time.

* I got a good chuckle out of the first victim being shown with "duck face" in a lot of her pictures. I find that particularly annoying. Someone on my friends list has a girlfriend that posts duck face pictures-- in fact, every single picture she posts of herself has her making that stupid face. I had commented to someone before that maybe the killer on CM will be killing girls who make annoying duck face.

* We rarely get to see what happens to the unsubs after they get brought in, so it was actually nice to see creepy kid in the hospital and Connor going to see him and being freaked out.

* It looks like Reid was right about the kid wanting to be famous.

Some other thoughts: This isn't really a nitpick, but I found myself wondering if Morgan would really have chosen a front door with such a large window on it. It allows criminals to see inside. With his job, you'd think he would want something more secure-- but at least he didn't have those tall windows next to the door that let people punch the window in and unlock the door. 

I couldn't help but wonder if Rick naming the first victim "Tara" was anything significant. Either it was a Buffy reference, or maybe it is a slight deviation of the name of a CM fan who has not been happy with Dunkle's writing and has expressed this dislike on CM forums. I hope its not the latter, because that would just be petty.

I do think this episode posed an interesting thought about social media and oversharing and how it can be unsafe-- but I felt that there really wasn't much of a counterpoint to balance it out. I was hoping to see more of the team's opinions on social media and selfies and such. It would have been interesting-- but all we got was Kate talking about not wanting Meg to post selfies. 

I think a better title for this episode would have been "Mirror Man" because it seemed to be more about that than about the hashtags.

Overall it wasn't a bad episode. It wasn't great, but I could re-watch it.

Edited November 13, 2014 by zannej
