It’s been 20 years since the first episode of FRIENDS debuted on national television, and late night host Jimmy Kimmel had Courtney Cox, who played the uptight Monica Gellar, on the show Monday night to talk about the fact that it’s been 20 years (Seriously…20 years???). He also wanted to have her back on the show to discuss his unhappiness with her the last time she was on his show.

The last time Cox visited Kimmel, he hosted a mini-FRIENDS reunion and had the actors perform a little skit based on themselves and their characters. However, he wasn’t thrilled with her performance of Monica Gellar in the skit and he wanted her to rectify her mistakes on his show. The talk show host told Cox that when she referenced a line from the FRIENDS theme, she clapped five times. She was only supposed to clap four times. He then made her re-do her part until she got it right.

The scene was, in Kimmel style, pretty funny. Once Cox corrected her obvious and terrible mistake, she went on to discuss her feelings about the fact that it’s been 20 years since she first became famous as Monica Gellar and her feelings on “The Rachel.” It seems Cox is a bit bitter. She and Jennifer Aniston, who played Rachel Greene, are best friends in real life just like they were on the show. But Cox is still bitter than Rachel’s hair cut, which famously became known as “The Rachel” was so popular and her hair cut was never called “The Monica” and given any of the same attention as “The Rachel.” The reason this bothers her so much is the fact that the actresses shared the same hair stylist, Chris McMillan. The good news is that she seems to have done all right with her career even though her hair cut never caught on.

(Photo by Simon Russell/Getty Images)
