There are many spells that players can use in Rune Factory 5 to keep their small town safe.

Monsters will try to invade Rigbarth, but players are tasked with defeating them to keep the peace. This can be done by various fighting styles, including spells.

The Seal Spell is one of the more critical spells that a player can learn in the most recent edition of the Rune Factory series. The ZL button on the Nintendo Switch controller is how to use the Seal Spell once learned.

How to learn the Seal Spell in Rune Factory 5

Livia can be found at the Rigbarth outpost in Rune Factory 5 (Image via Hakama)

Learning the Seal Spell is a requirement. It is given to players as part of the main story and can't be missed. As they progress through the game, players will come across a character named Livia.

Livia is the one who provides the Seal Spell to the players. She can be found near the Rigbarth Outpost and will teach players how to use the Seal Spell once they have made it through a particular portion of the game.

The game will inform players what the Seal Spell can be used for, such as freezing monsters, collecting items from them, and even capturing the monsters themselves to complete quests, contracts, and bounties.

How to use the Seal Spell

A player readies the Seal Spell after learning it (Image via Hakama)

The Seal Spell has multiple uses in Rune Factory 5. It can seal a monster in place so they can't move, making it easier for players to strategize on how to fight them or even collect items without being harmed by the monster.

The primary purpose is to capture these monsters to turn them in for various contracts. Players need to hit the ZL button on their Nintendo Switch controller or Joy-Con.

That will send a spell to freeze the enemy, allowing it to be damaged. Think of it as a Pokemon game. The lower the monster's health, the easier it is for them to be captured.

As players release the ZL button to use the Seal Spell, if enough damage has been done to the monster, they will be given the option to capture them rather than continue the fight to the finish.

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