How to play Tiny Towns | Official Rules

Posted by Merlyn Hunt on Wednesday, August 14, 2024

You are the mayor of a tiny town in the forest, where the smaller creatures of the woods have created a civilization hidden away from predators. This new land is small and the resources are scarce-you take what you can get and never say no to building materials.

Cleverly plan and construct a thriving town, and don't let it fill up with wasted resources! Whoever builds the most prosperous tiny town wins.


  • 6 player boards
  • 25 Building cards
  • 15 Monument cards
  • 15 Resource cards
  • 1 scorepad
  • 126 wooden buildings
  • 1 wooden Master Builder hammer
  • 6 wooden monuments
  • 90 wooden Resource cubes
  • 1 rulebook

Object of the Game

Your town is represented by a 4x4 grid, on which you will place Resource cubes in specific layouts to construct buildings. Each building scores Victory Points () in a unique way.

When no player can place any more resources or construct any buildings, the game ends, and any squares without a building are worth -1 . The player with the most wins!


1 Give each player a player board.

2 Leave the Resource cards in the box (unless you are playing the Town Hall rules or Solo variant).

3 Place the Cottage card (with the symbol on the back) face-up in the center of the table.

4 Sort the remaining Building cards into separate piles by the symbols on the back.

5 Shuffle each pile of 4 cards.

6 Draw 1 card from each pile and place them face-up next to the Cottage card, so they are visible to all players.

7 Place the remaining Building cards back into the box - they will not be used for this game. For your first game, it is recommended to use the set of Building cards shown on the right.

8 Place the wooden Resource cubes and buildings (but NOT monuments) in a general supply where all players can reach them. There are 5 different resources: wood, wheat, brick, glass, stone.

9 The starting player is the player who most recently constructed something (in real life). Give that player the Master Builder hammer.

10 Shuffle the Monument cards and deal each player 2 Monument cards face-down, which they should look at but keep secret. Players should select 1 Monument card to keep and discard the other to the box, face-down.

11 Give each player 1 wooden monument (), which they should keep next to their Monument card. Return any remaining monuments to the box-they will not be available to players in this game. For your first game, you may want to play without monuments.


A monument is a special type of building that can only be constructed by the player holding that card. Players may only construct their monuments once. Monuments may be constructed in any round, just like a normal building (see Building Construction Rules).

Upon constructing a monument, the player should read the Monument card aloud, place it face-up in front of them, and resolve any immediate effects.

If the card grants an ability, that ability takes effect immediately and only applies to the card's holder. Scoring for Monument cards is resolved at game end. Monuments are not a part of the general supply.

Building Card Anatomy
  • Card Title
  • Building Type
  • Art
  • Resource Build Pattern
  • Building Ability/scoring

  • Game Play

  • The Master Builder names a type of resource. (Wood, Wheat, Brick, Glass, or Stone)

  • All players MUST take a cube of this resource and place it in an empty square in their town grid. Players do this simultaneously.

    Resource Placement
    • Resources may never be moved to a different square after being placed.
    • Resources can only be removed by constructing a building.
    • Only 1 resource or building may occupy a square.
    • When resources are removed from a board, they go back to the general supply.
  • Players may construct any buildings for which they have the matching resources in the correct shape. Players do this simultaneously and should announce what building they are constructing.

  • Once all players have placed their resources and constructed buildings, a new round begins. The Master Builder token passes to the player on the left.

  • The new Master Builder should always wait until all players are ready before naming the next resource. Players can show that they are still thinking by holding up their resource cube until they place it.

    After a resource has been placed, players have until the next resource is named to construct any buildings.

    The Cavern Rule

    Building a Tiny Town is difficult. If this is one of your first games, or if you want a little more flexibility in your town, we recommend that you play with the Cavern rule. Throughout the game, players have the option of placing up to 2 resources named by other players off to the side of their board.

    These resources score no points or penalties at the end of the game. Players must decide when it is most advantageous to use this special ability!

    Feeding Your Cottages

    Remember! Cottages () must be fed by buildings to be worth 3 . Players may construct Cottages before or after constructing buildings, but unfed Cottages at game end score 0 .

    Building Construction Rules

    Building layouts may be mirrored/flipped and rotated, as long as the configuration of resources remains the same. To construct a building:

  • Remove the correct resources in the correct shape from your board and place them back in the general supply.
  • Take the matching wooden building from the general supply.
  • Place it in 1 of the squares that was occupied by the resources removed.
  • A resource can only be used to construct 1 building-in other words, every building requires all of its resources. Buildings do not have to be constructed as soon as its resources are in place. Players may wait as many rounds as they want to construct a building.

    Players may construct multiple buildings at once. Buildings may never be moved to a different square after being placed. Any player can construct any of the buildings (except other players' monuments). Building cards are not replaced when players construct buildings.

    Players cannot construct a building immediately after a resource has been named without physically placing the resource cube in their town first.

    Completing your Town

    When your town is filled with resources and you cannot (or choose not to) construct any buildings, your town is completed. You are out of the game and can start calculating your score. (You no longer take turns naming resources as the Master Builder).

    Note: A player may continue to place resources and name resources as the Master Builder as long as they have space for the resources in their town, even if it will not be possible for them to construct any buildings.

    If only 1 player is left, that player can continue to name resources as the sole Master Builder until their town is completed.

    End of the Game

    When all players' towns are completed, the game ends immediately. Remove all remaining resource cubes (except from Warehouses). Each empty square is worth -1 .

    Players add their for each building in their town and subtract any penalties to calculate their final score. The player with the most wins!

    In the case of a tie, the tied player who had the fewest turns as Master Builder wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the fewest empty squares wins. If there is still a tie, the player with the most Cottages wins. If there is still a tie, the tied players share the victory.

    Additional Rules

    • Resource cubes and buildings are unlimited. If you run out, substitute some other marker.

    • Unfed Cottages at game end remain on the board but score no . Some other buildings (such as Wells) still score points from unfed Cottages.

    • Adjacent" means up, down, left, and right.

    • It is possible to have a negative score.

    • never score on their own.

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