How to identify a rough diamond?

Posted by Lashay Rain on Tuesday, August 13, 2024

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How to Identify a Rough Diamond

When it comes to diamonds, most of us are familiar with the dazzling cut and polished gemstones that adorn jewelry. However, before diamonds are cut and polished, they start as rough, unprocessed stones. Identifying a rough diamond requires a keen eye for detail and a basic understanding of the characteristics that set diamonds apart from other minerals. Here are some ways to identify a rough diamond:

**Look for a Crystal Shape:** One of the most distinctive features of a rough diamond is its crystal shape. Diamond crystals typically have an octahedral (eight-sided) shape, although they can also form in other shapes such as cubes or dodecahedrons.

**Check for Transparency:** Rough diamonds are not completely transparent like their polished counterparts. Instead, they often have a cloudy or opaque appearance due to the presence of inclusions and surface imperfections.

**Examine the Surface:** Rough diamonds have a rough, textured surface that is often covered in a dull, grayish coating called a “skin.” This skin can be removed through cleaning or heating to reveal the diamond’s natural brilliance.

**Test the Hardness:** Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on Earth, so a rough diamond should be able to scratch glass. You can perform a simple scratch test by attempting to scratch a piece of glass with the rough diamond.

**Look for Color:** Most rough diamonds are not colorless like their polished counterparts. Instead, they may exhibit colors such as yellow, brown, or even black due to the presence of impurities. However, some rough diamonds may be near-colorless or even exhibit rare fancy colors like pink or blue.

**Use a Loupe or Microscope:** A loupe or microscope can help you examine the internal structure of a rough diamond to look for inclusions, growth patterns, and other identifying features that are characteristic of diamonds.

**Consult an Expert:** If you are unsure about identifying a rough diamond on your own, it is best to consult a certified gemologist or diamond expert who can help you accurately determine whether a stone is a diamond or another mineral.

**Observe the Refractive Index:** Diamonds have a high refractive index, which means they bend and reflect light differently than other minerals. You can use a refractometer to measure the refractive index of a rough diamond.

**Look for Specific Gravity:** Diamonds have a specific gravity of around 3.52, which is higher than most other minerals. You can measure the specific gravity of a rough diamond by comparing its weight in air and in water.

**Check for Fluorescence:** Some diamonds exhibit fluorescence when exposed to ultraviolet light. By shining a UV light on a rough diamond, you can check for any fluorescence that may indicate it is a diamond.

**Look for Cleavage:** Diamonds have a unique crystal structure that gives them cleavage planes along which they can be easily split. If you observe cleavage planes on a rough stone, it may be a diamond.

**Consider the Origin:** Knowing the origin of a rough diamond can provide valuable clues about its authenticity. Natural diamonds are typically formed deep within the Earth’s mantle over millions of years, while synthetic diamonds are created in a laboratory.

**Consult a Diamond Testing Lab:** If you still have doubts about the authenticity of a rough diamond, you can send it to a reputable diamond testing laboratory for a comprehensive analysis using advanced gemological tools and techniques.


1. Can rough diamonds be mistaken for other minerals?

Yes, rough diamonds can be mistaken for other minerals such as quartz, calcite, or even glass due to their similar appearance.

2. Are all rough diamonds the same shape?

No, rough diamonds can exhibit different shapes such as octahedral, cubic, dodecahedral, or even irregular shapes depending on their crystal structure.

3. Do rough diamonds always have inclusions?

Not all rough diamonds have inclusions, but most natural diamonds do contain some form of internal or surface imperfections.

4. Can rough diamonds be polished to look like gem-quality diamonds?

Yes, rough diamonds can be cut and polished to enhance their clarity, color, and brilliance to transform them into gem-quality diamonds.

5. How can I differentiate between a rough diamond and a cubic zirconia?

Rough diamonds have unique physical properties like hardness, specific gravity, and refractive index that differ from synthetic gemstones like cubic zirconia.

6. Are all rough diamonds colored?

Most rough diamonds exhibit some degree of color due to the presence of impurities, but some diamonds can be near-colorless or exhibit rare fancy colors.

7. Can synthetic diamonds be mistaken for natural rough diamonds?

Synthetic diamonds can resemble natural rough diamonds in appearance, but advanced gemological tests can differentiate between the two.

8. How can I tell if a rough diamond is synthetic?

Synthetic diamonds may exhibit growth features, like metallic inclusions or growth lines, that are not present in natural diamonds.

9. Can rough diamonds be found in jewelry stores?

Rough diamonds are rarely found in jewelry stores as they are typically processed and cut into polished gemstones before being set in jewelry.

10. Do rough diamonds have a standardized pricing system?

Rough diamonds are priced based on the “four Cs” (carat weight, cut, color, and clarity) like polished diamonds, but the pricing may vary due to the rough stone’s quality and origin.

11. Can I identify a rough diamond based on its weight alone?

While diamonds have a specific gravity of around 3.52, other minerals can also have similar densities, so weight alone may not be a reliable indicator of a rough diamond.

12. Are all rough diamonds mined from the earth?

Most rough diamonds are mined from the earth’s mantle, but some diamonds can also be recovered from alluvial deposits, deep-sea mining, or even meteorite impacts.
