Warzone 2 is Activision’s latest battle royale title that provides a fairly paced battlefield. Players use various weapons and support equipment to emerge victorious in the fight and become the last man standing. The game allows players to perform different types of stylized moves to eliminate enemy operators. It is not the most convenient method of taking someone down but requires a sense of timing and executing planning. Finishers are one-shot tricks that can kill the opponent instantly.

Warzone 2 quick guide for finishing moves

Activision introduced its latest series with Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 to provide the player base with a strategic and fun gameplay experience. Finishers are one of the fun elements that can be used to show off one’s in-game prowess and map sense.

Players can follow these steps to efficiently perform finishing moves in Warzone 2.

  • Launch Warzone 2 and queue into any game mode from the playlist.
  • Be sure to check the keybind for a melee attack.
  • Players need to sneak up on enemy operators and take a position behind them.
  • Press and hold the melee attack keybind to start the selected finishing move.
  • A cutscene animation will play showing a different camera angle of the player performing the finisher and instantly eliminating the opponent.

It is important to remember that timing is crucial for this move as players are constantly on the move in the battle royale. The player base understands that staying in a place for too long can expose them to unknown threats.

Players can also perform the finishing move on enemies who are already downed on the battlefield instead of sneaking behind an enemy. It stylizes elimination even further and removes guns and bullets from the equation.

Finishing move

Players can go to the operator tab in the home menu and select a character to choose any available finishing move. The moves will be present inside the customize option present in the operator tab.

There are various methods that can reward players with different finishing moves. It is a feature that has become a popular element in Call of Duty battle royale titles. Here is a list of all the finishing moves available in Warzone 2.

  • Making Holes
  • Punctual Puncture
  • Sidearm Hustle
  • Kneecaps and Brainpans
  • Smooth Cuts
  • Slice and Easy
  • Main Man
  • Lights Out
  • Blowout
  • Racked and Wrecked
  • Up Close and High Caliber
  • Sighted In
  • Point and Shoot
  • Hammer Meet Skull
  • Breach and Fear
  • Resident Drummer
  • Bloody Percussionist
  • Lumber Smack
  • Chopping Block
  • Don't Struggle
  • A Friendly Hello
  • Slingblade
  • Supler Deluxe
  • Planting Steel
  • Knuckle Up
  • No Firearms Needed
  • Jaw Buster
  • All Kicks
  • Cage Match
  • Sweet Dreams
  • Suplex Deluxe
  • Gravity Assist
  • A Bit Stabby
  • Killer Kodachis
  • Smack Attack
  • Sticky Situation
  • Rapid Incision
  • Foul Fate
  • Shred 'Em Up

All these finishing moves can either be obtained by purchasing operator bundles, unlocking through the battle pass, or purchasing the Vault Edition.

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