According to a report from Page Six, Fan Bingbing, the Chinese actress who allegedly disappeared for four months on account of the Chinese government, is now publicly expressing gratitude for the Communist authorities’ punishment of her actions.

Speaking with The New York Times on Saturday, the star said the hard times she recently came upon were actually a “good thing.” Page Six claims this is her first interview with a Western media outlet since she first disappeared from the spotlight and shut down her social media last year in June 2018.

Bingbing told the outlet that the incident forced her to stop and think about the direction of her life. At one point in time, Fan Bingbing was one of the highest-paid Chinese actresses. Known for starring in a plethora of Chinese movies and TV series, Fan had a role in X-Men: Days Of Future Past, from 2014.

Last year in October, the Chinese government accused her of evading taxes. After, she posted an apology letter on Weibo, a Chinese-made social media application.

The New York Times reported that Bingbing’s disappearance from the public’s eye was a cause of great concern among her fans, both North American as well as Chinese and others around the world.

According to the Times, Bingbing was actually being held on house arrest while the Chinese tax officials scoured through her personal records in search of financial discrepancies and other transgressions.

With all of that said, Bingbing is now looking to get herself back into the spotlight and get her career back on track as well. It was back in October of last year when it was revealed Ms. Fan was fined a massive amount of $70,000,000 in unpaid taxes and other charges.


Around the time of her arrest, for which she was hit with accusations of falsifying four different contracts, the Chinese government began to crack down on other supposed transgressions, including investigative journalists as well as things like tattoos and piercings.
