
Beautiful Fawni Pschill of Bravo’s Euros of Hollywood is a bubbly and equally talented artist and musician, and she gave CDL an exclusive interview to help her fans learn more about what makes this blonde from Vienna tick. Don’t think for a moment that she relies on her good looks. Fawni is an accomplished artist, well known in the Viennese art scene, as well as a pop star with a single that went #1 in Japan while moving up on the charts across Asia.

Now a homeowner in LA, and divorced from her music-manager husband, she is working on building a future in America, with a little help from her European friends (and Euro castmates!). We asked Fawni to describe her evolution from painter to pop star and how easy or difficult the transition was for her. Fawni tells us, “I have painted since I was 5 years old. Art is something which pumps through my veins, I cannot live without it. Music is my active, extremely fun, outrageous outlet. I love to sing and dance, to entertain people! When I am able to do both, this is the perfect combination of my two passions. The transition happened quite easily and organically. I sing in panties whilst painting!” Well, that should certainly attract a jump in male viewers of the show!

Having been in America for 10 years, Fawni just bought a home two years ago after travelling around for a while. Her most memorable experience to date was “becoming an American citizen,” she gleefully shares. So what else excites this blonde bombshell in the land of opportunity, and where does she see her career going? Fawni tells us, “I see myself as a performance artist. I am a singer and painter. At times they are in unison, other times they are ensuing. I cannot live without either!”

Fawni’s castmate Isabel considers herself and her husband the Angelina and Brad of Sweden. We asked Fawni if there was a celebrity that she most related to. Fawni laughs and says, “Yes, Stewie Griffin [from Family Guy]. I am a sweet, eccentric baby and a devious mastermind!”

The ambitious talent lives life to the fullest, with a positive go-getter attitude that she taps into when performing. Fawni describes her music as “electric” and powerful enough “to make you high” on life. She says, with a chuckle, “life-high not drug-high!” Fawni promises that her music “makes you want to jump out of bed and live life to the fullest! My overall message is: ‘go out and get it! Don’t dream it, BE it!’ When I perform, you won’t want to look away for a moment in fear you may miss out on something!”

Though she misses her family dearly, she does take comfort in having In and Out Burger regularly! A love of In and Out Burger and a positive attitude have taken her far and helped her get through the good and bad times with her Euros of Hollywood castmates. We asked Fawni how she and her castmates are alike and how they differ from one another. She dishes, “We are all longing for the American Dream! I am different from them because I feel in my heart I already made it; I am the happiest, most fearless dreamer and believer! Where there’s a will, there’s a way! This is what I believe is the true definition of the American Dream and I have already conquered this! You see fame and fortune comes along the way if you do things right, but your mindset and your truth is what shines and what truly makes you happy!”

Still, the American Dream comes with some challenges. Fawni, in true form, keeps us laughing as she shares that not everything comes easy: “When I speak with automated telephone services, they do not understand me! Not even “Siri” understands my accent!” She takes comfort though in enjoying her favorite pastime, which she describes as, “painting at home naked. No computer. No drama.” Possibly a few nosy neighbors though!

Since Fawni is our favorite Euro, it only made sense that we asked her for some of her favorites! Here’s how she responded:


TV show: Bored to Death

Place to eat: Jules Vernes in the Eiffel Tower for New Years

Food: Japanese

Song: “Kiss” by Prince

Musician: Prince

Hangout spot: Museums

Castmate: All idiots! LOL (except Massimo)

We can’t blame her…Massimo is pretty hot! But the celeb Fawni would most like to meet? Jason Schwartzman! We wanted to leave fans with an aspiring message from this radiant, positive force. Fawni tells us of staying positive, “Life is so exciting and thrilling; sometimes perhaps you experience sadness and pain but this is all a part of it. It molds you into who you are and everyday we can practice to be who we truly want to be. It’s a wonderful challenge and it keeps me positive and so happy! Don’t dream it, BE it! Be special; Be unique; Be YOU!”

What a great attitude, and so refreshing to hear someone sharing such a positive outlook on life. Fawni is truly inspirational and keeps us laughing and loving every episode of Euros of Hollywood! Want even more Fawni? Follow her on Twitter, and check out her website where you can see her amazing artwork, listen to and buy her music, and experience all things Fawni! Catch up on any episodes you’ve missed and be sure to tune in and watch Fawni dazzle on Bravo.
