Carlina White Found: Abducted Baby is Now 23 (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Posted by Lashay Rain on Monday, August 19, 2024

On Aug. 4, 1987, 19-day-old baby Carlina White was kidnapped from her parents at New York City’s Harlem Hospital emergency room. Joy White and Carl Tyson, who were concerned about their baby’s fever, handed the near newborn over to a woman posing as a nurse and never saw the child again.

A $10,000 reward was offered for the safe return of the baby girl but years passed and no leads were forthcoming. The couple won a lawsuit from the city and established a trust fund for the girl in the event she was returned to them.

The baby was taken to Bridgeport, Connecticut and later to Atlanta and went by the name Nejdra Nance. It wasn’t until she was in high school and trying to get her drivers license that she became suspicious because she didn’t have a birth certificate or social security number.

She decided to take matters into her own hands and began scouring the National Center For Missing and Exploited Children website. Searching her birth year she spotted a photo of a baby along with a composite rendering of what she might look like at 19. The baby photo looked like others she had seen of herself in her Atlanta home.

Nejdra called the center’s hotline and they connected her to Joy White. DNA tests proved conclusively that they were mother and daughter.

The young woman who was named Carlina White so many years ago, met with her biological family last weekend. She brought along her 5-year-old daughter Samani. The reunion was “magic” according to family members.

Police are now searching for the woman who kidnapped Carlina White. It is possible that she could have lived with more than one family as a child and doesn’t remember it. Detectives are working with retired police officers who worked on the two decades old case.

View the video report which includes family photos below:
