Pokemon Scarlet and Violet changed the franchise substantially when it introduced Paradox species, creatures from different time periods with powerful abilities. One example is Iron Hands, which arrived in Pokemon Violet's Paldea from the future, though it can be obtained in Pokemon Scarlet via trading.

Similar to Hariyama, Iron Hands benefits from a very high physical attack stat and considerable durability. However, it dwarfs its standard counterpart almost completely across the board, though the two share the same base speed stat.

Iron Hands is an offensive force in combat. It is an excellent choice to complete high-grade Tera Raid battles in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Iron Hands can be optimized in a few ways to complete Tera Raids, and it isn't a bad time to look at one of the best strategies.

How to outfit Iron Hands for Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

Iron Hands stands in front of a Tera Raid Crystal in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via Game Freak)

As a Fighting/Electric-type creature in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Iron Hands can deal large amounts of damage, particularly when using physical attacks that match its elemental types. This is due to the presence of the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB), which increases damage output when a Pokemon of a certain type uses matching elemental moves.

This also extends to Terastallization, meaning trainers can find an Iron Hands with an Electric or Fighting Tera Type to enhance its offensive potential further.

Iron Hands possesses the ability Quark Drive, which gives it a substantial 30% boost to its stats when the battlefield terrain is electricized. However, trainers can also activate the ability by using Booster Energy as a held item. This item will activate upon the start of a Pokemon battle, giving Iron Hands its 30% stat boost no matter what the terrain looks like.

If Pokemon trainers want to max out a solid build for Iron Hands by EV training it and picking an appropriate Nature, they'll want to focus heavily on the attack and HP stats. Any leftover EV points can be placed in either defense or special defense to round out Iron Hands' innate tankiness.

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players should consider Adamant Nature for their Iron Hands. This is because it increases the attack stat and reduces the special attack stat (which Iron Hands and Hariyama don't typically use effectively anyway). To change Iron Hands' nature, players can purchase an Adamant Mint at Chansey Supply after clearing six gyms or completing the Academy Ace Tournament.

Once players have got Iron Hands' Nature, ability, EVs, items, and Tera Type situated, it's time to move on to moves. Ideally, Pokemon trainers will want to opt for a moveset that includes Belly Drum, Close Combat, and Drain Punch. Picking another punch move like Ice Punch or Focus Punch can also be helpful.

Arguably, Belly Drum is the most important move in Iron Hands' kit, as it raises its attack stat by six stages when used, turning the Pokemon into a physical juggernaut.

Meanwhile, Drain Punch can recover Iron Hands' substantial health total if it takes a bit of damage. Close Combat is essentially the "nuke" move, as it deals massive damage but reduces the user's defense and special defense by one stage afterward.

When things get rough, trainers can Terastallize Iron Hands to give it enhanced combat capabilities. Ideally, they'll want to Terastallize Iron Hands with the Fighting Tera Type. This will make its Fighting-type physical moves even deadlier, giving the Pokemon the ability to defeat many raid bosses in just a few blows.

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